The other day I was perusing the hair aisle at Target and found a new Neutrogena product: Triple Moisture Split End Treatment. Aaaaand since I've been desperately needing a trim, it was a SCORE!
The product runs at $6.99~ and probably will have some sort of special at Walgreen's soon.
Treats dry split ends and protects from future damage.
Transforms split ends and infuses hair with shine and silkiness.
This is a Lightweight balm with patent-pending technology that penetrates porous hair ends and seals with a durable ionic bond, bringing the split ends together to repair the damage and prevent future split ends from forming.
Intrigued?? =)
It's not a huge bottle... I mean, still a better price than BioSilk, but if you used this puppy daily I don't see it lasting for very long.

I don't know why I expected it to have a creamy consistency, but it was more like a gel. Makes sense, if it's supposed to be essentially gluing your split ends together. It is really sticky though, and afterwards I had to wash my hands hardcore to get them un-sticky.

I tried this out this morning-- I used it on only one side of my head:
Without product, before straightening:

(Apologies for the color discrepancy, but I think it gets the point across.)
With product, before straightening:

Not too shabby!
With product, after straightening:

I likey!
However, throughout the day it seemed like my fine hair tangled easier =\ but it did help with the split end-- the little dry spots I saw on the un-product-ed side were cut in half on the product-ed side. Yes!
SO, all-in-all, not quite a substitute for a healthy trim, but it does help hide your split ends! As far as preventing them, I'm not quite sure, but using any product to act as a buffer between your hair and your flar iron will help in reducing the amount of split ends.
What do you think? Impressed? No? Interesting in purchasing this? If you live near, let me know and I'll let you borrow it~
Until next time~
Beauty Maven
Thanks for the review! I'll be putting it on my shopping list!