Well, this morning I drug myself out of bed (after going to see Sex and the City 2 last night!!!!) to head to the MAC counter to play with the To the Beach collection. Yaaay!!!!
First of all, let me say this: If you are interested in purchasing anything from this collection, GO NOW. This varies by location, obviously, but the lady at my local counter told me that they only received a few of each product... for example, the seahorse compact-- they only got in 6! SIX! And when I got there, at 10:30 am, they had already sold one. So now, they only have 4 left. Geez! But a few items were like that, so just be aware. The website has been selling out, too.
Anyhow! Here are some pictures of what I hauled! =)
In their boxes:
Powder Bronzer: Get-Away Bronze (mid-tone suntan)
High-Light Powder: Marine Life (MY FAVE)
Eyeliner: Rosemary and Thyme (Mid-tone olive gold with shimmer)
Lipstick: Thrills (Rosy copper with gold pearl)
Out of the boxes: Check out the adorable packaging!!!!!
Opened up:
Here is how large the Marine Life compact is:
I had originally thought I would pass on the Marine Life high-light, but when I played with it at the counter is was just too beautiful! The only thing is, the pretty gold on top? It wipes away when you use it =( But there is gold shimmer throughout.. you just lose the cute seahorse. Aww.
So, I experimented a smidge with some anti-blackhead tools this weekend~ Sorry, no pictures.. not quite sure how to document that, haha!
First off, my buddy who came to visit left her Neutrogena Blackhead Eliminating Daily Scrub in my shower, so I decided to try it. I waited until the end of my shower so that the "debris" would be all softened up, (gah, that sounds gross), and scrubbed AWAY at my nose. I certainly felt cleaner, but once I inspected my face in the mirror, I noticed my nose still had those pesky dark spots on it. *Sigh*
I bought one of those extractors a while back, (at the suggestion of the same friend!), to the likes of this one, and pulled it out this weekend, too. It didn't do a dang thing to my nose!! I had another buddy who would simply 'push' the build-up out, almost like popping a zit. Tried that... only worked on about 3 and left my nose red. I'm so frustrated, because I've tried most things, like Biore's pore strips (which worked on my boyfriend, not fair!!), and noooothing will woooork!!
However! I must say, that I had a little blackhead on my cheek from working out but not washing my face before... bad me... and the little tool worked! What the?! Whatever...
So the search continues!
Fun Tidbit: I took a "What's your make-up brand?" quiz today on BeautyRiot.com-- it says I should be wearing Chanel. Ha! Ok-- 1. Beauty Riot, would you like to buy it for me? and 2. When my make-up is Chanel, I'll know I've arrived. =) Good job, quiz, for knowing my inner desires.
I had an interesting experience today that I would like to share~
Last night, before heading to bed, (and after a long day at the pool!!), I put my hair in crazy bun on top of my head. When I awoke, I didn't really feel like getting ready.. just one of those days.
So I washed my face, put in some dry shampoo, and started making myself presentable. Well, since I'd slept with my hair basically on TOP of my head, I had this awkward crease and couldn't really wear it any other way without having to wash/dry it. Eh. So I went with it! This is what I created:
(pics from my iPhone.. I didn't expect this to become a post, haha!) Front- pretty basic... some volume *yay dry shampoo!*
Side, blurry-- but you can see the size/shape of the bun:
I literally got 4 compliments on it today! How funny... something I did that was a "let's make due" move was so appealing! I'll have to keep this in mind... I kind of felt like Whitney Port all day. ;)