Monday, May 24, 2010


Hello there! Happy Monday~

I had an interesting experience today that I would like to share~

Last night, before heading to bed, (and after a long day at the pool!!), I put my hair in crazy bun on top of my head. When I awoke, I didn't really feel like getting ready.. just one of those days.

So I washed my face, put in some dry shampoo, and started making myself presentable. Well, since I'd slept with my hair basically on TOP of my head, I had this awkward crease and couldn't really wear it any other way without having to wash/dry it. Eh. So I went with it! This is what I created:

(pics from my iPhone.. I didn't expect this to become a post, haha!)

Front- pretty basic... some volume *yay dry shampoo!*


Side, blurry-- but you can see the size/shape of the bun:

I literally got 4 compliments on it today! How funny... something I did that was a "let's make due" move was so appealing! I'll have to keep this in mind... I kind of felt like Whitney Port all day. ;)

Until Next Time~
Beauty Maven

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